Preparing for Your Organizing Session

Welcome to TidyBird! Here’s a comprehensive list of things you can do to prepare.

Supplies Needed:

  • Garbage Bags: Please have an ample supply of garbage bags available for sorting items.
  • Boxes of All Sizes: Save various sizes of boxes ahead of time. They are useful for temporary storage during the organizing process. 
  • Sharpies & Post-it Notes: Quick labeling tools to help categorize items.

Personal Preparation:

  • Rest and Nutrition: Get a good night’s sleep before the session and start your day with a nutritious breakfast. Have snacks and tea ready for your comfort throughout the day. I’ll bring my own snacks, so you don’t need to worry about feeding me.

Space Preparation:

  • Don’t Clean Up: Please avoid tidying or cleaning your space before our session. It’s helpful for me to see your space in its “natural state”.
  • Reduce potential distractions: Organizing takes focus. Make sure you have a 3-5 hour window of time free from interruptions to make the most of your time.
  • Hide unmentionables: Set aside items that you would like to keep private.


  • Parking Information: If there are any parking logistics or costs associated with your location, please provide relevant details to assist me in planning.
  • Cancellation or Rescheduling: Should you need to cancel or postpone at the last minute, please text me at 971-415-1110 rather than emailing.

Photos of the Space:

  • Submit Photos: If you haven’t already, please send photos of the spaces you want to work on either to my email ([email protected]) or via text to 971-415-1110. These photos will help me understand your needs better and plan our session effectively.


Read my FAQs on my services page here to gain a comprehensive understanding of my process and what to expect during our sessions.

Educational Resources:

Here are optional resources:

1. Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle: The KonMari Method is more than just decluttering; it’s about creating a living environment that sparks joy and aligns with your aspirations. To make the most of your upcoming organizing session, it’s beneficial to envision the lifestyle you desire in vivid detail. Below are two exercises to help you bring your ideal lifestyle into focus:


Imagine your ideal living space by considering the following prompts:

Describe Your Living Space: Write down three words that describe your ideal living space. Is there a theme? What colors, shapes, and textures are predominant?
Lighting: Consider the lighting in your ideal space. What is the natural light like, and how does it affect the ambiance?
Emotional Response: How do you want to feel after completing the tidying process? What motivated you to start organizing in the first place?
Daily Routines: Visualize the beginning and end of your day. What routines or rituals do you see yourself following?
Daily Activities: Envision how you spend your days. What activities, hobbies, or pursuits are part of your daily life?
Social Circle: Reflect on the people in your life. Who is present, and how do they contribute to your ideal lifestyle?
Sensory Experiences: Consider what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste in your ideal daily routine.

Use your responses from Exercise 1 to create a vision board. Compile images, words, or drawings that represent your ideal lifestyle. This visual representation will serve as a powerful reminder of the life you’re working toward through organization.

Refer to your vision board whenever you need inspiration or encouragement during the organizing process. Your vision will guide the transformation of your space into a place that truly resonates with your aspirations.